26.05 20:33Шэрон Стоун снова засветила свою промежность (Фото)[УКРАИНСКИЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ]
26.05 19:07В четвертом "Терминаторе" сыграет Шарлотта Гейнсбур[Film.Ru]
26.05 18:40Роберт Дауни-младший сыграет роль главного плейбоя?[УКРАИНСКИЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ]
26.05 18:34Про собак-космонавтов Белку и Стрелку снимут полнометражный мультфильм[Film.Ru]
26.05 18:28Филипп Киркоров: Наконец все закончилось[УКРАИНСКИЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ]
26.05 18:09Тимошенко считает Лорак лучшей на «Евровидении»[УКРАИНСКИЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ]
26.05 17:24Причиной госпитализации «татушки» была изнуряющая диета[УКРАИНСКИЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ]
26.05 17:20Рейтинги «Евровидения» в России побили все рекорды[УКРАИНСКИЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ]
26.05 17:20Рейтинги «Евровидения» в России побили все рекорды[УКРАИНСКИЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ]
26.05 17:18Билан потратил на «Евровидение» $10 млн. евро, а Лорак 700 тыс. евро[УКРАИНСКИЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЙ ПОРТАЛ]
Какая из вечных ценностей самая быстротечная:

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past form. At the  second  stage,  the  process  receives  a  non-absolutive
relative time characteristic by means of opposing the forms  of  the  future
tense to the forms of no future marking. Since the two stages of the  verbal
time denotation are expressed separately, by their own  oppositional  forms,
and, besides, have essentially different  orientation  characteristics  (the
first stage being absolutive, the second  stage,  relative),  it  stands  to
reason to recognise in the system of the  English  verb  not  one,  but  two
temporal categories. Both of them answer the question: "What is  the  timing
of the process?" But the first  category,  having  the  past  tense  as  its
strong member, expresses a direct retrospective evaluation of  the  time  of
the process, fixing the process either in the past or not in the  past;  the
second category, whose strong member is the future tense, gives  the  timing
of the process a prospective evaluation, fixing  it  either  in  the  future
(i.e. in the prospective posterior), or not in the future. As  a  result  of
the combined working of the two categories, the time of the event  reflected
in the utterance finds its adequate location in the


temporal context, showing all the distinctive  properties  of  the  lingual
presentation of time mentioned above.
   In accord with the oppositional marking of the  two  temporal  categories
under analysis, we shall call the first of them  the  category  of  "primary
time",  and  the  second,  the   category   of   "prospective   time",   or,
contractedly, "prospect".

  § 2. The category of primary time, as has just been stated, provides  for
the absolutive expression of the time of the process denoted by  the  verb,
i.e. such an expression of it as gives its evaluation, in the long run,  in
reference to the moment of  speech.  The  formal  sign  of  the  opposition
constituting this category is, with regular verbs, the dental suffix  -(e)d
[-d, -t, -id], and with irregular verbs, phonemic interchanges of  more  or
less individual specifications. The suffix marks the  verbal  form  of  the
past time (the past tense), leaving the opposite form unmarked.  Thus,  the
opposition is to be rendered by the formula "the past tense —  the  present
tense", the latter member representing the non-past tense, according to the
accepted oppositional interpretation.
  The specific feature of the category of primary time is, that it  divides
all the tense forms of the English verb into two temporal planes: the plane
of the present and the plane of the past, which  affects  also  the  future
forms. Very important in this respect  is  the  structural  nature  of  the
expression of the category: the category of primary time is the only verbal
category of immanent order which is expressed by inflexional  forms.  These
inflexional forms of the past and present coexist in the same verb-entry of
speech with the other, analytical modes of various  categorial  expression,
including the future. Hence, the English verb acquires the two futures:  on
the one hand, the future of  the  present,  i.e.  as  prospected  from  the
present; on the other hand, the future of the past, i.e. as prospected from
the past. The following example will be illustrative  of  the  whole  four-
member correlation:
  Jill returns from her driving class at five o\'clock.
At five Jill returned from her driving class. I know that
Jill will return from her driving class at five o\'clock.
I knew that at five Jill would return from her driving class.

  An additional reason for identifying the verbal past-present time  system
as a separate grammatical category is provided by the fact that this  system
is specifically marked by the do-forms of the indefinite aspect  with  their


but  inherently  correlated   functions.   These   forms,   found   in   the
interrogative constructions (Does he  believe  the  whole  story?),  in  the
negative constructions (He doesn\'t believe the  story),  in  the  elliptical
response constructions and elsewhere, are confined only to the  category  of
primary time, i.e. the verbal past and  present,  not  coming  into  contact
with the expression of the future.

  § 3. The fact that the present  tense  is  the  unmarked  member  of  the
opposition explains a very wide range of its meanings exceeding by far  the
indication of the "moment of  speech"  chosen  for  the  identification  of
primary  temporality.  Indeed,  the  present  time  may  be  understood  as
literally  the  moment  of  speaking,  the  zero-point  of  all  subjective
estimation of time made by the speaker. The meaning  of  the  present  with
this connotation will be conveyed by such phrases as at this  very  moment,
or this instant, or exactly now, or some other phrase  like  that.  But  an
utterance like "now while I am speaking" breaks the notion of the zero time
proper, since the speaking process is  not  a  momentary,  but  a  durative
event. Furthermore, the present will still be the present if we  relate  it
to such vast periods of time as this month, this year, in our epoch, in the
present millennium, etc. The denoted stretch of time may be prolonged by  a
collocation like that beyond any  definite  limit.  Still  furthermore,  in
utterances of general truths as, for instance, "Two plus two  makes  four",
or "The sun is a star", or "Handsome is that handsome does",  the  idea  of
time  as  such  is  almost  suppressed,  the  implication   of   constancy,
unchangeability of the truth at all times being made prominent. The present
tense  as  the  verbal  form  of  generalised  meaning  covers  all   these
denotations, showing the  present  time  in  relation  to  the  process  as
inclusive of the moment of speech, incorporating  this  moment  within  its
definite or indefinite stretch and opposed to the past time.
  Thus, if we say, "Two plus two makes four", the linguistic implication of
it is "always, and so at the moment of speech". If we say,  "I  never  take
his advice", we mean linguistically "at no time in  terms  of  the  current
state of my attitude towards him, and so at the present moment". If we say,
"In our millennium social formations change quicker than  in  the  previous
periods of man\'s history", the linguistic temporal content of it is "in our
millennium, that is, in the millennium including  the  moment  of  speech".
This meaning is the invariant of the present, developed from its categorial


opposition to the past, and it penetrates the uses of the  finite  verb  in
all its forms, including the perfect, the future, the continuous.
   Indeed, if the Radio carries the news, "The two suspected terrorists have
been taken into custody by the police", the implication of  the  moment  of
speech refers to  the  direct  influence  or  after-effects  of  the  event
announced. Similarly,  the  statement  "You  will  be  informed  about  the
decision later in the day" describes the event, which, although it has  not
yet happened, is prospected into the future  from  the  present,  i.e.  the
prospection itself incorporates the moment of speech. As  for  the  present
continuous, its relevance for the present moment is self-evident.
  Thus, the analysed meaning of the verbal present arises as  a  result  of
its immediate contrast with the past form which shows the exclusion of  the
action from the plane of the present and so the action itself as capable of
being perceived only in temporal retrospect. Again, this latter meaning  of
the disconnection from the present penetrates all the verbal forms  of  the
past, including the perfect, the future, the continuous. Due to the  marked
character of the past verbal form, the said quality of its meaning does not
require special demonstration.
  Worthy of note, however, are utterances where the  meaning  of  the  past
tense stands  in  contrast  with  the  meaning  of  some  adverbial  phrase
referring the event to the present moment. Cf.: Today again I spoke to  Mr.
Jones on the matter, and again he failed to see the urgency of it.
  The seeming linguistic paradox of such cases consists exactly in the fact
that their two-type indications of time, one  verbal-grammatical,  and  one
adverbial-lexical, approach the same event from two  opposite  angles.  But
there is nothing irrational here. As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  utterances
present instances of two-plane temporal evaluation of the event  described:
the  verb-form  shows  the  process  as  past  and  gone,  i.e.  physically
disconnected from the present; as for the adverbial modifier,  it  presents
the past event as a particular happening, belonging to a more general  time
situation which is stretched out up to the present  moment  inclusive,  and
possibly past the present moment into the future.
  A case  directly  opposite  to  the  one  shown  above  is  seen  in  the
transpositional use  of  the  present  tense  of  the  verb  with  the  past
adverbials, either included in the utterance as such, or else  expressed  in
its contextual environment. E.g.:


  Then he turned the corner, and what do you think happens next?  He  faces
nobody else than Mr. Greggs accompanied by his private secretary!
  The stylistic purpose of this transposition, known under the name of  the
"historic present" (Lat. praesens historicum) is to create a  vivid  picture
of the event reflected in the utterance. This is achieved in  strict  accord
with the functional  meaning  of  the  verbal  present,  sharply  contrasted
against the general background of the past plane of the utterance content.

  § 4. The combinations of the verbs shall and  will  with  the  infinitive
have of late become subject of renewed discussion. The controversial  point
about them is, whether these combinations really constitute, together  with
the forms of the past and present,  the  categorial  expression  of  verbal
tense, or are just modal phrases, whose expression of the future time  does
not differ  in  essence  from  the  general  future  orientation  of  other
combinations of modal verbs with the infinitive. The view  that  shall  and
will retain their modal meanings in all their uses was defended by  such  a
recognised authority on English grammar of  the  older  generation  of  the
twentieth century linguists as O. Jespersen. In  our  times,  quite  a  few
scholars, among them the successors of  Descriptive  Linguistics,  consider
these verbs as part of the general set of modal verbs, "modal auxiliaries",
expressing the meanings of capability, probability, permission, obligation,
and the like.
  A well-grounded objection  against  the  inclusion  of  the  construction
shall/will + Infinitive in the tense system of the verb on the  same  basis
as the forms of the present and past has been advanced by L. S. Barkhudarov
[Бархударов, (2), 126 и сл.]. His objection consists in  the  demonstration
of the double marking of this would-be tense  form  by  one  and  the  same
category: the combinations in question can express at once both the  future
time and the past time (the form "future-in-the-past"), which hardly  makes
any sense in terms of a grammatical category. Indeed, the principle of  the
identification of any grammatical category demands that the  forms  of  the
category in normal use  should  be  mutually  exclusive.  The  category  is
constituted by the opposition of its forms, not by their co-position!
   However, reconsidering  the  status  of  the  construction  shall/will  +
Infinitive in the light of oppositional approach,
we see that, far from comparing with the past-present verbal forms  as  the
third member-form of the  category  of  primary  time,  it  marks  its  own
grammatical category, namely, that  of  prospective  time  (prospect).  The
meaningful contrast underlying the category of prospective time is  between
an after-action and a non-after-action. The after-action, or the  "future",
having  its  shall/will-feature,  constitutes  the  marked  member  of  the
  The category of prospect is also temporal, in so far as it is immediately
connected with the expression of  processual  time,  like  the  category  of
primary time. But  the  semantic  basis  of  the  category  of  prospect  is
different in principle from that of the category of primary time: while  the
primary time is absolutive, i. e. present-oriented, the prospective time  is
purely relative; it means that the future form of the verb only  shows  that
the denoted process is prospected as an after-action relative to some  other
action or state or event, the timing of which marks the zero-level  for  it.
The two times are presented, as it were, in  prospective  coordination:  one
is shown as prospected for the future, the  future  being  relative  to  the
primary time, either present or past. As a result,  the  expression  of  the
future  receives  the  two  mutually   complementary   manifestations:   one
manifestation  for  the  present  time-plane  of   the   verb,   the   other
manifestation for the past time-plane of  the  verb.  In  other  words,  the
process  of  the  verb  is  characterised  by  the  category   of   prospect
irrespective of its primary time characteristic, or rather, as  an  addition
to this  characteristic,  and  this  is  quite  similar  to  all  the  other
categories capable of entering the sphere of verbal time, e.g. the  category
of development (continuous in opposition),  the  category  of  retrospective
coordination (perfect in opposition), the  category  of  voice  (passive  in
opposition): the respective forms of all  these  categories  also  have  the
past and present versions, to which, in due course,  are  added  the  future
and non-future versions. Consider the following examples:

   (1) I was making a road and all  the  coolies  struck.  (2)  None  of  us
doubted in the least that Aunt Emma  would  soon  be  marvelling  again  at
Eustace\'s challenging success. (3) The next thing she wrote she sent  to  a
magazine, and for many weeks worried about what would happen to it. (4) She
did not protest, for she had given up the struggle.  (5)  Felix  knew  that
they would have settled the dispute by the time he could be ready  to  have
his say. (6) He was being watched, shadowed,


chased by that despicable gang of hirelings. (7) But would little Jonny  be
*being looked after properly? The nurse was so young and inexperienced!

  The oppositional content of the exemplified cases  of  finite  verb-forms
will, in the chosen order of sequence, be presented as  follows:  the  past
non-future  continuous  non-perfect  non-passive  (1);  the   past   future
continuous non-perfect non-passive (2) the past future non-continuous  non-
perfect non-passive (3); the past non-future  non-continuous  perfect  non-
passive (4); the past future non-continuous perfect  non-passive  (5);  the
past  non-future  continuous  non-perfect  passive  (6);  the  past  future
continuous non-perfect passive (7) — the latter form not in practical use.
  As we have already stated before, the future tenses reject  the  do-forms
of the indefinite aspect, which are  confined  to  the  expression  of  the
present and past verbal times only. This fact  serves  as  a  supplementary
ground for the identification of the expression of prospect as  a  separate
grammatical category.
  Of course, it would be an ill turn to grammar if one tried  to  introduce
the above circumstantial  terminology  with  all  its  pedantic  strings  of
"non\'s" into the elementary teaching of language.  The  stringed  categorial
"non"-terms are apparently too redundant to be recommended for ordinary  use
even at an advanced level of linguistic training. What is achieved  by  this
kind  of  terminology,  however,  is  a  comprehensive  indication  of   the
categorial  status  of  verb-forms  under  analysis  in  a  compact,   terse
presentation. Thus, whenever a presentation like that  is  called  for,  the
terms will be quite in their place.

  § 5. In analysing the English future tenses, the modal factor, naturally,
should be thoroughly taken into consideration. A certain modal colouring  of
the meaning of the English  future  cannot  be  denied,  especially  in  the
verbal form of  the  first  person.  But  then,  as  is  widely  known,  the
expression of the future in other languages is not disconnected  from  modal
semantics either; and this is conditioned by the mere fact that  the  future
action, as different from the present or past action, cannot be looked  upon
as  a  genuine  feature  of  reality.  Indeed,  it  is  only  foreseen,   or
anticipated, or planned, or desired, or otherwise prospected  for  the  time
to come. In this quality, the  Russian  future  tense  does  not  differ  in


from the verbal future of other languages, including English, Suffice it to
give a couple of examples chosen at random:
   Я буду рассказывать тебе интересные истории. Расскажу о страшных кометах,
о битве воздушных кораблей, о гибели прекрасной страны по ту  сторону  гор.
Тебе не будет скучно любить меня (А. Толстой). Немедленно на берег. Найдешь
генерала  Иолшина,  скажешь:  путь  свободен.  Пусть  строит   дорогу   для
артиллерии (Б. Васильев).
  The future forms of the verbs in the first of the above Russian  examples
clearly express promise (i. e. a future  action  conveyed  as  a  promise);
those in the second example render a command.
  Moreover, in the system of the Russian  tenses  there  is  a  specialised
modal form of analytical future expressing intention  (the  combination  of
the verb стать with the imperfective infinitive). E. g.: Что же  вы  теперь
хотите делать? —  Тебя  это  не  касается,  что  я  стану  делать.  Я  план
обдумываю. (А. Толстой).
  Within the framework of the universal meaningful features of  the  verbal
future, the future of the English verb is highly specific in so far as  its
auxiliaries in their very immediate etymology are words of  obligation  and
volition, and the survival of the respective connotations in them is backed
by the inherent quality of the future as such. Still,  on  the  whole,  the
English categorial future differs distinctly from the  modal  constructions
with the same predicator verbs.

  § 6. In the clear-cut modal uses of the verbs shall and will the  idea  of
the future either is not expressed at all, or else is only rendered  by  way
of textual connotation, the  central  semantic  accent  being  laid  on  the
expression of  obligation,  necessity,  inevitability,  promise,  intention,
desire. These meanings may be easily seen both  on  the  examples  of  ready
phraseological citation, and genuine everyday conversation exchanges. Cf.:

   He who does not work neither shall he eat (phraseological  citation).  "I
want a nice hot curry, do you hear?" — "All right, Mr.  Crackenthorpe,  you
shall have it" (everyday speech). None are so deaf as those  who  will  not
hear (phraseological citation). Nobody\'s allowed to touch a thing — I won\'t
have a woman near the place (everyday speech).
   The modal nature of the shall/will + Infinitive 146
combinations in the cited examples can be  shown  by  means  of  equivalent
  ... > He who does not work must not eat, either. ...  >  All  right,  Mr.
Crackenthorpe, I promise to have it cooked. ... > None are so deaf as  those
who do not want to hear. ... > I intend not to allow a woman  to  come  near
  Accounting for the modal meanings of  the  combinations  under  analysis,
traditional grammar gives the following rules: shall + Infinitive  with  the
first person, will + Infinitive with the second and  third  persons  express
pure future; the reverse  combinations  express  modal  meanings,  the  most
typical of which are intention or desire for I will and promise  or  command
on the part of the speaker for you shall, he  shall.  Both  rules  apply  to
refined  British  English.  In  American  English  will  is   described   as
expressing pure future with all the persons, shall as expressing modality.
  However,  the  cited  description,  though   distinguished   by   elegant
simplicity, cannot be taken as fully  agreeing  with  the  existing  lingual
practice. The main feature of this description contradicted by  practice  is
the British use of will with the first person without distinctly  pronounced
modal connotations (making due allowance for the general connection  of  the
future tense with modality, of which we have spoken before). Cf.:

   I will call for you and your young man at seven o\'clock (J.  Galsworthy).
When we wake I will take him up and carry him back (R. Kipling). I will let
you know on Wednesday what expenses have been necessary (A.  Christie).  If
you wait there on Thursday evening between seven and eight I will come if I
can (H. С Merriman).

  That the combinations of will with the infinitive in the above examples do
express  the  future  time,  admits  of  no  dispute.  Furthermore,   these
combinations, seemingly, are charged with modal connotations in  no  higher
degree than the corresponding combinations of shall  with  the  infinitive.

   Haven\'t time; I shall miss my train (A. Bennett). I  shall  be  happy  to
carry it to the House of Lords, if necessary  (J.  Galsworthy).  You  never
know what may happen. I shan\'t have a minute\'s peace (M. Dickens).
  Granted our semantic intuitions about the exemplified
uses are true, the question then arises: what is  the  real  difference,  if
any, between the two British first person expressions  of  the  future,  one
with shall, the other one with will? Or  are  they  actually  just  semantic
doublets, i.e.  units  of  complete  synonymy,  bound  by  the  paradigmatic
relation of free alternation?
  A solution to this problem is to be  found  on  the  basis  of  syntactic
distributional and transformational analysis backed by  a  consideration  of
the original meanings of both auxiliaries.

  §  7.  Observing  combinations  with  will   in   stylistically   neutral
collocations, as the first step of our study we note the adverbials of  time
used with this construction.  The  environmental  expressions,  as  well  as
implications, of future time do testify that from this point of  view  there
is no difference between will and shall, both of them equally conveying  the
idea of the future action expressed by the adjoining infinitive.
  As our next step of inferences,  noting  the  types  of  the  infinitive-
environmental semantics of will in contrast to the contextual background of
shall, we state that the first person will-future expresses an action which
is to be performed by the speaker for choice, of his own accord.  But  this
meaning of free option does not at all  imply  that  the  speaker  actually
wishes to perform the action, or else that he is determined to perform  it,
possibly in defiance of some contrary force. The exposition of  the  action
shows it as being not bound by  any  extraneous  circumstances  or  by  any
special influence except the  speaker\'s  option;  this  is  its  exhaustive
characteristic. In keeping with  this,  the  form  of  the  will-future  in
question may be tentatively called the "voluntary future".
  On the other hand, comparing the environmental characteristics  of  shall
with the corresponding environmental background of will, it is easy to  see
that, as different from will, the first person  shall  expresses  a  future
process that will be realised without the will of the speaker, irrespective
of his choice. In accord with the exposed meaning, the  shall-form  of  the
first person future should be referred to as the "non-voluntary",  i.e.  as
the weak member of the corresponding opposition.
   Further observations of the relevant textual data show  that  some  verbs
constituting a typical environment of the


non-voluntary shall-future (i.e. verbs inherently alien to  the  expression
of voluntary actions)  occur  also  with  the  voluntary  will,  but  in  a
different  meaning,  namely,  in  the  meaning  of  an  active  action  the
performance of which is freely chosen by the  speaker.  Cf.:  Your  arrival
cannot have been announced to his Majesty. I will see about it (B. Shaw).
   In the given example the verb see has  the  active  meaning  of  ensuring
something, of intentionally arranging  matters  connected  with  something,
   Likewise, a number of verbs of the voluntary will-environmental  features
(i.e. verbs presupposing the actor\'s free will in  performing  the  action)
combine also with the non-voluntary shall, but in the meaning of an  action
that will take place irrespective of the will of the speaker. Cf.: I\'m very
sorry, madam, but I\'m going to faint. I shall go off,  madam,  if  I  don\'t
have something (K. Mansfield).
   Thus, the would-be same verbs are in fact either homonyms, or else lexico-
semantic variants of the corresponding lexemes of the  maximally  differing
  At the final stage of our study the disclosed characteristics of the  two
first-person futures are checked on the lines of transformational analysis.
The method will consist not  in  free  structural  manipulations  with  the
analysed constructions, but  in  the  textual  search  for  the  respective
changes of the auxiliaries depending on  the  changes  in  the  infinitival
  Applying  these  procedures  to  the  texts,  we  note  that   when   the
construction of the voluntary will-future is expanded  (complicated)  by  a
syntactic part re-modelling the whole collocation into  one  expressing  an
involuntary action, the auxiliary will is automatically replaced by  shall.
In particular, it happens when the expanding elements convey the meaning of
supposition or Uncertainty. Cf.:
  Give me a goddess\'s work to do; and I will do it (B.  Shaw).  >  I  don\'t
know what I shall do with Barbara (B. Shaw). Oh, very  well,  very  well:  I
will write another prescription (B. Shaw). > I shall perhaps write  to  your
mother (K. Mansfield).

  Thus, we conclude that within\'the system of the English  future  tense  a
peculiar minor category is expressed which affects only the  forms  of  the
first person. The category is constituted by the opposition  of  the  forms
will + Infinitive and shall  +  Infinitive  expressing,  respectively,  the
future  and  the  non-voluntary  future.  Accordingly,  this  category   may
tentatively be called the "category of futurity option".
  The future in the second and third persons, formed by the  indiscriminate
auxiliary will, does not express this category, which is  dependent  on  the
semantics of the persons: normally it would be irrelevant to indicate in  an
obligatory way the aspect of futurity option otherwise than with  the  first
person, i.e. the person of self.
  This category is neutralised in the contracted form  -\'ll,  which  is  of
necessity indifferent to the expression of futurity  option.  As  is  known,
the traditional analysis of the contracted future states  that  -\'ll  stands
for will, not for shall. However, this view  is  not  supported  by  textual
data. Indeed, bearing in mind the results  of  our  study,  it  is  easy  to
demonstrate that the contracted forms of the future may be  traced  both  to
will and to shall. Cf.:
   I\'ll marry you then, Archie, if you really want it (M. Dickens). > I will
marry you. I\'ll have to think about it (M.  Dickens).  >  I  shall  have  to
think about it.

  From the evidence afforded by the historical studies of the  language  we
know that the English contracted form  of  the  future  -\'ll  has  actually
originated from the auxiliary will. So, in Modern  English  an  interesting
process of redistribution of  the  future  forms  has  taken  place,  based
apparently on the contamination will > \'ll <— shall. As a result, the  form
-\'ll in the first person  expresses  not  the  same  "pure"  future  as  is
expressed by the indiscriminate will in the second and third persons.
  The described system of the British future is  by  far  more  complicated
than the expression of the future tense in the other national  variants  of
English, in particular, in American English, where the future form  of  the
first person is functionally equal  with  the  other  persons.  In  British
English a possible tendency to a similar levelled expression of the  future
is actively counteracted by the two structural factors. The  first  is  the
existence of the two functionally  differing  contractions  of  the  future
auxiliaries  in  the  negative  form,  i.  e.  shan\'t  and   won\'t,   which
imperatively support the survival of shall in the first person against  the
levelled positive (affirmative) contraction -\'ll. The second is the use  of
the future tense in interrogative sentences, where with  the  first  person
only shall is normally used. Indeed, it is quite  natural  that  a  genuine
question directed by the speaker to


himself, i.e. a question showing doubt or speculation, is to be asked  about
an action of non-wilful, involuntary order, and not otherwise. Cf.:
  What shall we be  shown  next?  Shall  I  be  able  to  master  shorthand
professionally? The question was, should I see  Beatrice  again  before  her
  The semantics of the first person futurity question is such that even the
infinitives of essentially volition-governed actions are  transferred  here
to the plane of  non-volition,  subordinating  themselves  to  the  general
implication of doubt, hesitation, uncertainty. Cf.:
  What shall I answer to an offer like that? How shall we tackle the matter
if we are left to rely on our own judgment?
  Thus, the vitality of the discriminate shall/will future,  characteristic
of careful English speech,  is  supported  by  logically  vindicated  intra-
lingual factors. Moreover, the whole system of Modern  British  future  with
its mobile inter-action of the  two  auxiliaries  is  a  product  of  recent
language development, not a relict of the older periods of its  history.  It
is this subtly regulated and still unfinished system that gave cause  to  H.
W. Fowler for his significant statement: ".. of the English of  the  English
shall and will are the shibboleth."*

  § 8. Apart from shall/will + Infinitive construction,  there  is  another
construction in English which has a potent appeal for being analysed within
the framework of the general problem of  the  future  tense.  This  is  the
combination of the predicator be going with  the  infinitive.  Indeed,  the
high frequency occurrence of this construction in  contexts  conveying  the
idea of an immediate future action can\'t but draw a very close attention on
the part of a linguistic observer.
   The combination may denote a sheer intention  (either  the  speaker\'s  or
some other person\'s) to perform the action  expressed  by  the  infinitive,
thus entering into the vast set of "classical" modal constructions. E.g.:
   I am going  to  ask  you  a  few  more  questions  about  the  mysterious
disappearance of the document, Mr. Gregg. He looked across at my desk and I
thought for a moment he was going to give me the treatment, too.

   * Fowler H. W. Л Dictionary of Modern English Usage. Ldn., 1941, p. 729,

   But these simple modal uses of be going are countered by cases where  the
direct  meaning  of  intention  rendered  by  the  predicator   stands   in
contradiction with its environmental implications and is subdued  by  them.

   You are trying to frighten me. But you are not going to frighten  me  any
more (L. Hellman). I did not know how I was going to get out  of  the  room
(D. du Maurier).

   Moreover, the construction, despite its  primary  meaning  of  intention,
presupposing a human subject,  is  not  infrequently  used  with  non-human
subjects and even in impersonal sentences. Cf.:

   She knew what she was doing, and she was sure it was going  to  be  worth
doing (W. Saroyan). There\'s going to  be  a  contest  over  Ezra  Grolley\'s
estate (E. Gardner).

   Because of these  properties  it  would  appear  tempting  to  class  the
construction in question as a specific tense form, namely, the  tense  form
of "immediate future", analogous to the  French  futur  immйdiat  (e.g.  Le
spectacle va cornmencer — The show is going to begin).
  Still, on closer consideration, we notice that the non-intention uses  of
the predicator be going are not indifferent stylistically. Far  from  being
neutral, they more often than not display emotional  colouring  mixed  with
semantic connotations of oblique modality.
   For instance, when  the  girl  from  the  first  of  the  above  examples
appreciates something as "going to be worth doing", she  is  expressing  her
assurance of its being so. When one labels  the  rain  as  "never  going  to
stop", one clearly expresses  one\'s  annoyance  at  the  bad  state  of  the
weather. When a future event is introduced  by  the  formula  "there  to  be
going to be", as is the case in  the  second  of  the  cited  examples,  the
speaker clearly implies his foresight of it, or his anticipation of it,  or,
possibly, a warning to beware of it, or else some  other  modal  connotation
of a like nature.  Thus,  on  the  whole,  the  non-intention  uses  of  the
construction be going + Infinitive cannot be rationally divided  into  modal
and non-modal, on the analogy of the construction shall/will  +  Infinitive.
Its broader combinability is based on  semantic  transposition  and  can  be
likened to  broader  uses  of  the  modal  collocation  be  about,  also  of
basically intention semantics.


   § 9. The oppositional basis  of  the  category  of  prospective  time  is
neutralised in certain uses, in keeping with the  general  regularities  of
oppositional reductions. The process of neutralisation  is  connected  with
the shifting of the forms of primary  time  (present  and  past)  from  the
sphere of absolute tenses into the sphere of relative tenses.
   One of the typical cases of the neutralisation in  question  consists  in
using a non-future temporal form to express a future  action  which  is  to
take place according to some plan or arrangement. Cf.:
   The government meets in emergency session  today  over  the  question  of
continued violations of the cease-fire. I hear your sister is soon arriving
from Paris? Naturally I would like to know when he\'s coming. Etc.

   This  case  of  oppositional  reduction  is  optional,   the   equivalent
reconstruction of the correlated member of the opposition is nearly  always
possible (with the respective changes of connotations and style). Cf.:
   ... > The government will meet in emergency session. ...  >  Your  sister
will soon arrive from Paris? ... > When will he be coming"?
  Another type of neutralisation of  the  prospective  time  opposition  is
observed in modal verbs and modal word combinations. The basic  peculiarity
of these units bearing on (he expression of time is, that  the  prospective
implication is inherently in-built in their semantics, which  reflects  not
the action as such, but the attitude towards the action  expressed  by  the
infinitive. For that reason, the present verb-form of these units  actually
renders the idea of the future (and, respectively, the past verb-form,  the
idea of the future-in-the-past). Cf.:
  There\'s no saying what may happen next. At any rate, the woman  was  sure
to come later in the day. But you have to present the report before Sunday,
there\'s no alternative.
  Sometimes the explicit expression of the future is  necessary  even  with
modal collocations. To make up for the  lacking  categorial  forms,  special
modal substitutes have been  developed  in  language,  some  of  which  have
received the status of suppletive units (see above, Ch. III). Cf.:
  But do not make plans with David. You will not be able to carry them out.
Things will have to go one way or the other.
  Alongside of the above and very  different  from  them,  there  is  still
another  typical  case  of  neutralisation  of   the   analysed   categorial
opposition, which is strictly obligatory. It occurs in clauses of  time  and
condition whose verb-predicate expresses a future action. Cf.:
   If things turn out as has been arranged, the triumph will be all ours.  I
repeated my request to notify me at once whenever the messenger arrived.

  The latter type of neutralisation is syntactically conditioned. In  point
of fact, the neutralisation consists here in the  primary  tenses  shifting
from the sphere of absolutive time into the sphere of relative time,  since
they become dependent not on their immediate orientation towards the moment
of speech, but on the relation to another  time  level,  namely,  the  time
level presented in  the  governing  clause  of  the  corresponding  complex
  This kind of neutralising relative use of absolutive tense forms occupies
a restricted position in the integral tense system of English. In  Russian,
the syntactic relative use of tenses is, on the contrary, widely spread. In
particular, this refers to the presentation of reported speech in the plane
of the past, where the Russian present tense is changed into the  tense  of
simultaneity, the past tense is changed into the tense of priority, and the
future tense is changed into the tense of prospected posteriority. Cf.:
   (1) Он сказал, что изучает немецкий  язык.  (2)  Он  сказал,  что  изучал
немецкий язык. (3) Он сказал, что будет изучать немецкий язык.

   In English, the primary tenses in  similar  syntactic  conditions  retain
their absolutive  nature  and  are  used  in  keeping  with  their  direct,
unchangeable meanings. Compare the respective translations of the  examples
cited above:
   (1) He said that he was learning German (then). (2) He said that  he  had
learned German (before). (3) He said that he would  learn  German  (in  the
time to come).

   It doesn\'t follow from this that  the  rule  of  sequence  of  tenses  in
 English complex sentences  formulated  by  traditional  grammar  should  be
 rejected as false. Sequence of  tenses  is  an  important  feature  of  all
 narration, for, depending on the continual  consecutive  course  of  actual
 events in reality, they are presented in the text in  definite  successions


against a common general background. However, what should be stressed here,
is that the tense-shift involved in the translation  of  the  present-plane
direct information into  the  past-plane  reported  information  is  not  a
formal, but essentially a meaningful procedure.

                                 CHAPTER XV

                                VERB: ASPECT

  § 1. The aspective meaning of the verb, as different  from  its  temporal
meaning, reflects the inherent mode  of  the  realisation  of  the  process
irrespective of its timing.
  As we have already seen, the aspective meaning can  be  in-built  in  the
semantic structure of the verb, forming an invariable, derivative category.
In English, the various lexical aspective meanings have been generalised by
the verb in its subclass division into limitive and unlimitive sets. On the
whole, this division is loose, the demarcation line  between  the  sets  is
easily trespassed both ways. In spite of their want of rigour, however, the
aspective verbal subclasses are grammatically relevant in so  far  as  they
are not indifferent to the choice of the aspective grammatical forms of the
verb. In Russian, the aspective  division  of  verbs  into  perfective  and
imperfective is,  on  the  contrary,  very  strict.  Although  the  Russian
category of aspect is derivative, it  presents  one  of  the  most  typical
features of the grammatical structure of  the  verb,  governing  its  tense
system both formally and semantically.
  On the other hand, the aspective  meaning  can  also  be  represented  in
variable grammatical categories.  Aspective  grammatical  change  is  wholly
alien to the Russian language, but it forms one of  the  basic  features  of
the categorial structure of the English verb.
  Two systems of verbal forms, in the past grammatical  tradition  analysed
under the  indiscriminate  heading  of  the  "temporal  inflexion",  i.  e.
synthetic inflexion proper and analytical composition  as  its  equivalent,
should be evaluated in this light: the continuous  forms  and  the  perfect
  The aspective or non-aspective identification of the  forms  in  question
will, in the long run, be dependent on whether  or  not  they  express  the
direct, immediate time of the action denoted by the verb, since  a  general
connection between the


aspective and temporal verbal semantics is indisputable.
  The continuous verbal forms analysed on the  principles  of  oppositional
approach admit of only one  interpretation,  and  that  is  aspective.  The
continuous forms are aspective because, reflecting the  inherent  character
of the process performed by the verb, they do not, and cannot,  denote  the
timing of  the  process.  The  opposition  constituting  the  corresponding
category  is  effected  between  the  continuous  and  the   non-continuous
(indefinite) verbal forms. The categorial meaning discloses the  nature  of
development of the verbal action, on which ground the  suggested  name  for
the category as a whole will be "development". As  is  the  case  with  the
other  categories,  its  expression  is  combined  with  other   categorial
expressions in one and the same verb-form, involving also the category that
features the perfect. Thus, to be consistent  in  our  judgments,  we  must
identify, within the framework of the manifestations  of  the  category  of
development, not only the perfect continuous forms, but  also  the  perfect
indefinite forms (i.e. non-continuous).
  The perfect, as different from the continuous, does  reflect  a  kind  of
timing, though in a purely relative way. Namely, it coordinates  two  times,
locating  one  of  them  in  retrospect  towards  the  other.   Should   the
grammatical meaning of the perfect have been exhausted by this function,  it
ought to have been placed into one and the same categorial system  with  the
future,   forming   the   integral    category    of    time    coordination
(correspondingly, prospective and retrospective).  In  reality,  though,  it
cannot be done, because the perfect expresses  not  only  time  in  relative
retrospect, but also the very connection of a prior  process  with  a  time-
limit reflected in a subsequent event. Thus, the perfect forms of  the  verb
display a mixed, intermediary character, which places them apart  both  from
the relative posterior tense and the aspective development. The true  nature
of the perfect is temporal aspect reflected in  its  own  opposition,  which
cannot be reduced to  any  other  opposition  of  the  otherwise  recognised
verbal  categories.  The  suggested  name  for   this   category   will   be
"retrospective   coordination",   or,   contractedly,   "retrospect".    The
categorial member opposed to the perfect, for  the  sake  of  terminological
consistency, will be named  "imperfect"  (non-perfect).  As  an  independent
category, the retrospective coordination is manifested in the integral verb-
form together with the manifestations of other categories, among them the


aspective category of development. Thus, alongside of the forms of  perfect
continuous and perfect indefinite, the verb distinguishes also the forms of
imperfect continuous and imperfect indefinite.

   § 2. At this point of our considerations, we should like  once  again  to
call the reader\'s  attention  to  the  difference  between  the  categorial
terminology and the definitions of categories.
  A category, in normal use, cannot be represented twice  in  one  and  the
same word-form. It follows from this that  the  integral  verb-form  cannot
display at once more than one expression of each of the  recognised  verbal
categories, though it does give a  representative  expression  to  all  the
verbal categories  taken  together  through  the  corresponding  obligatory
featuring (which can be, as we know, either positive or negative). And this
fact provides us with a safe criterion  of  categorial  identification  for
cases where the forms under analysis display related semantic functions.
  We  have  recognised  in  the  verbal  system  of  English  two  temporal
categories (plus one "minor" category of futurity option) and two aspective
categories. But does this mean  that  the  English  verb  is  "doubly"  (or
"triply", for that matter) inflected by the "grammatical category" of tense
and the "grammatical category" of aspect? In no wise.
  The course of our deductions has been quite  the  contrary.  It  is  just
because the verb, in its one and the  same,  at  each  time  uniquely  given
integral form of use, manifests not one, but two expressions  of  time  (for
instance, past and future); it is because it  manifests  not  one,  but  two
expressions of aspect (for instance, continuous and perfect), that  we  have
to recognise these expressions as categorially different.  In  other  words,
such universal grammatical notions as "time", "tense", "aspect", "mood"  and
others, taken by themselves, do  not  automatically  presuppose  any  unique
categorial systems. It is only the actual correlation of  the  corresponding
grammatical  forms  in  a  concrete,  separate  language  that  makes  up  a
grammatical category. In particular, when certain forms that come under  the
same meaningful grammatical heading are mutually exclusive,  it  means  that
they together make up a grammatical category. This  is  the  case  with  the
three Russian verbal tenses. Indeed, the Russian verbal form of  the  future
cannot syntagmatically coexist with the present or past forms — these  forms
are mutually exclusive, thereby constituting


one unified category of time (tense),  existing  in  the  three  categorial
forms: the present, the past, the future. In English, on the contrary,  the
future form of the verb can freely re-occur with the strongly  marked  past
form, thereby making up a category radically different  from  the  category
manifested by the system of "present — past" discrimination. And it is  the
same case with the forms of the continuous and the  perfect.  Just  because
they can freely coexist in one and the same  syntagmatic  manifestation  of
the verb, we have to infer that they enter (in the capacity of oppositional
markers) essentially different categories, though related to each other  by
their general aspective character.

  § 3.  The  aspective  category  of  development  is  constituted  by  the
opposition of the continuous forms of the verb  to  the  non-continuous,  or
indefinite forms of the verb. The marked member of  the  opposition  is  the
continuous, which  is  built  up  by  the  auxiliary  be  plus  the  present
participle of the conjugated verb. In symbolic notation  it  is  represented
by the formula  be...ing.  The  categorial  meaning  of  the  continuous  is
"action  in  progress";  the  unmarked  member  of   the   opposition,   the
indefinite,  leaves  this  meaning  unspecified,  i.e.  expresses  the  non-
  The evolution of views in  connection  with  the  interpretation  of  the
continuous forms has undergone three stages.
  The traditional analysis placed them among the tense-forms of  the  verb,
defining them as expressing an action  going  on  simultaneously  with  some
other action. This  temporal  interpretation  of  the  continuous  was  most
consistently developed in the works of H. Sweet and O. Jespersen.  In  point
of fact,  the  continuous  usually  goes  with  a  verb  which  expresses  a
simultaneous action, but, as we  have  stated  before,  the  timing  of  the
action is not expressed by the continuous as such —  rather,  the  immediate
time-meaning is conveyed by the syntactic  constructions,  as  well  as  the
broader semantic context  in  which  the  form  is  used,  since  action  in
progress, by definition, implies that it is developing  at  a  certain  time
  The correlation of the continuous with contextual indications of time  is
well illustrated on examples of complex sentences with  while-clauses.  Four
combinations of the continuous and the indefinite are possible in  principle
in these constructions (for two verbs are used here, one  in  the  principal
clause and one in the subordinate clause, each capable
of taking both forms in question),  and  all  the  four  possibilities  are
realised in contexts of Modern English. Cf.:
   While I was typing, Mary and Tom were chatting in the
adjoining room.  While I typed, Mary and Tom were
chatting in the adjoining room.   While I was typing,
they chatted in the adjoining room.     While I typed, they
chatted in the adjoining room.

  Clearly, the difference in meaning between the verb-entries in the  cited
examples cannot lie  in  their  time  denotations,  either  absolutive,  or
relative. The time is shown by their tense-signals of the  past  (the  past
form of the auxiliary be in the continuous, or  the  suffix  -{e)d  in  the
indefinite). The meaningful difference consists exactly in  the  categorial
semantics of the indefinite and continuous:  while  the  latter  shows  the
action in the very process of its realisation, the former points it out  as
a mere fact.
  On the other hand, by virtue of its categorial  semantics  of  action  in
progress (of necessity, at a definite point  of  time),  the  continuous  is
usually employed in descriptions of scenes correlating a number  of  actions
going on simultaneously — since all of them are actually shown in  progress,
at the time implied by the narration. Cf.:
  Standing on the chair, I could see in through the barred window into  the
hall of the Ayuntamiento and in there it was as it  had  been  before.  The
priest was standing, and those who were left were kneeling in a half circle
around him and they were all praying. Pablo was sitting on the big table in
front of the Mayor\'s chair with his shotgun slung over his back.  His  legs
were hanging down from the table and he was  rolling  a  cigarette.  Cuatro
Dedos was sitting in the Mayor\'s chair with his feet on the  table  and  he
was smoking a cigarette. All the guards were sitting in different chairs of
the administration, holding their guns. The key to the big door was on  the
table beside Pablo (E. Hemingway).

  But if the actions are not progressive by themselves (i.e.  if  they  are
not shown as progressive), the description, naturally, will go without  the
continuous forms of the corresponding verbs. E. g.:
   Inland, the prospect alters. There is an oval Maidan, and a  long  sallow
hospital. Houses belonging to Eurasians stand on the  high  ground  by  the
railway station. Beyond the railway — which runs parallel to  the  river  —
the land sinks,


then rises again rather steeply. On the second rise is laid out the  little
civil station, and  viewed  hence  Chandrapore  appears  to  be  a  totally
different place (E. M. Forster ).

  A further demonstration of the essentially non-temporal  meaning  of  the
continuous is its regular use in combination with the perfect, i.e. its  use
in the verb-form perfect continuous. Surely, the very  idea  of  perfect  is
alien to simultaneity, so the continuous combined with the  perfect  in  one
and the same manifestation of the verb can only be understood as  expressing
aspectuality, i.e. action in progress.
  Thus, the consideration of the temporal element in the  continuous  shows
that its referring an action to a definite time-point,  or  its  expressing
simultaneity irrespective of absolutive time, is in  itself  an  aspective,
not a temporal factor.
  At the second stage of the interpretation of the continuous, the form was
understood as rendering a blend of temporal and aspective  meanings  —  the
same as the other forms of the verb obliquely connected with the factor  of
time, i.e. the indefinite and the perfect. This view was developed by I. P.
  The combined temporal-aspective  interpretation  of  the  continuous,  in
general, should be appraised as an essential step forward,  because,  first,
it introduced on an explicit, comprehensively grounded  basis  the  idea  of
aspective  meanings  in  the  grammatical  system  of  English;  second,  it
demonstrated the actual connection  of  time  and  aspect  in  the  integral
categorial semantics of the verb.  In  fact,  it  presented  a  thesis  that
proved to be crucial for the subsequent demonstration, at the next stage  of
analysis, of the essence of the form on a strictly oppositional foundation.
   This latter phase of study, initiated in the works of A. I.Smirnitsky, V.
N. Yartseva and B. A. Ilyish, was developed further by B. S. Khaimovich and
B. I. Rogovskaya and exposed in  its  most  comprehensive  form  by  L.  S.
  Probably the final touch contributing to the presentation of the  category
of development at this third stage of study should be still  more  explicit
demonstration of its opposition  working  beyond  the  correlation  of  the
continuous non-perfect form with the indefinite non-perfect  form.  In  the
expositions hitherto advanced the two series  of  forms  —  continuous  and
perfect — have been shown, as it were, too emphatically  in  the  light  of
their mutual contrast against the


primitive indefinite, the perfect continuous form, which  has  been  placed
somewhat separately, being rather interpreted as  a  "peculiarly  modified"
perfect than a "peculiarly modified\'\' continuous. In reality,  though,  the
perfect continuous is equally both perfect and continuous,  the  respective
markings   belonging   to    different,    though    related,    categorial

  § 4. The category  of  development,  unlike  the  categories  of  person,
number, and time, has a verbid representation, namely, it is represented  in
the infinitive. This fact, for its part, testifies to another than  temporal
nature of the continuous.
  With the infinitive, the category of  development,  naturally,  expresses
the same meaningful contrast between action in progress and  action  not  in
progress as with the finite forms of the verb. Cf.:
   Kezia and her grandmother were taking their siesta together.      It  was
but natural for Kezia and her grandmother
to be taking their siesta together. What  are  you  complaining  about?——Is
there really anything for you to be complaining about?
  But in addition to this purely categorial distinction, the  form  of  the
continuous infinitive has a tendency to acquire quite a special meaning  in
combination with modal verbs, namely that of probability. This  meaning  is
aspectual in a broader sense than the  "inner  character"  of  action:  the
aspectuality amounts here to an outer appraisal  of  the  denoted  process.
   Paul must wait for you, you needn\'t be in a hurry. Paul must  be  waiting
for us, so let\'s hurry up.
   The first of the two  sentences  expresses  Paul\'s  obligation  to  wait,
whereas the second sentence renders the speaker\'s supposition of the fact.
   The general meaning of probability  is  varied  by  different  additional
shades  depending  on  the  semantic  type  of  the  modal  verb  and   the
corresponding contextual  conditions,  such  as  uncertainty,  incredulity,
surprise, etc. Cf.:
   But can she be taking Moyra\'s words so personally?  If  the  flight  went
smoothly, they may be approaching the West Coast. You must be losing  money
over this job.
   The action of the continuous infinitive of probability,
 11-1499    161
in accord with the type of the modal verb and the context,  may  refer  not
only to the plane of the present, but also to the plane of the future. Cf.:
Ann must be coming soon, you\'d better have things put in order.
  The gerund  and  the  participle  do  not  distinguish  the  category  of
development as such, but the traces of progressive meaning are  inherent  in
these forms, especially in the present participle, which itself  is  one  of
the markers of the category (in combination with the categorial  auxiliary).
In particular, these  traces  are  easily  disclosed  in  various  syntactic
participial complexes. Cf.:
  The girl looked straight into my face, smiling enigmatically. > The  girl
was smiling enigmatically as she looked straight into my face. We heard the
leaves above our heads rustling in the wind. >  We  heard  how  the  leaves
above our heads were rustling in the wind.
   However, it should be noted, that the said traces of  meaning  are  still
traces, and they are more often than not subdued and neutralised.

   § 5. The opposition of the  category  of  development  undergoes  various
reductions, in keeping with the general  regularities  of  the  grammatical
forms  functioning  in  speech,  as   well   as   of   their   paradigmatic
  The easiest and most regular neutralisational  relations  in  the  sphere
continuous — indefinite  are  observed  in  connection  with  the  subclass
division of verbs into limitive and unlimitive, and within  the  unlimitive
into actional and statal.
   Namely, the unlimitive verbs are very easily neutralised in  cases  where
the continuity of action is rendered by means other than aspective. Cf.:
  The  night  is  wonderfully  silent.  The  stars  shine  with  a   fierce
brilliancy, the Southern Cross and Canopus; there is not a breath of  wind.
The Duke\'s face seemed flushed, and more lined  than  some  of  his  recent
photographs showed. He held a glass in his hand.
  As to the statal verbs, their development  neutralisation  amounts  to  a
grammatical rule. It is under this  heading  that  the  "never-used-in-the-
continuous" verbs go, i. e. the uniques be and have,  verbs  of  possession
other than have, verbs of relation,  of  physical  perceptions,  of  mental
perceptions. The opposition of development is also neutralised easily with


verbs in the passive voice, as  well  as  with  the  infinitive,  the  only
explicit verbid exposer of the category.
   Worthy  of  note  is  the  regular  neutralisation  of  the   development
opposition  with  the  introductory   verb   supporting   the   participial
construction of parallel action. E. g.: The man stood smoking a pipe.  (Not
normally: The man was standing smoking a pipe.)
  On the other hand, the continuous can be used transpositionally to denote
habitual, recurrent actions in emphatic  collocations.  Cf.:  Miss  Tillings
said you were always talking as if there had been some funny business  about
me (M. Dickens).
  In this connection, special note should be made of the broadening use  of
the continuous with unlimitive verbs, including verbs of statal  existence.
Here are some very typical examples:

   I only heard a rumour that a certain member here present has been  seeing
the prisoner this afternoon (E. M. Forster). I had a horrid feeling she was
seeing right through me and  knowing  all  about  me  (A.  Christie).  What
matters is, you\'re being damn fools, both of you (A. Hailey).

  Compare similar transpositions in the expressions of anticipated future:

  Dr Aarons will be seeing the patient this morning, and I wish to be ready
for him (A. Hailey). Soon we shall be hearing the news about the docking of
the spaceships having gone through.

  The linguistic implication of these uses of the continuous is indeed very
peculiar. Technically it amounts to de-neutralising the usually  neutralised
continuous. However, since the neutralisation of the continuous  with  these
verbs is quite regular, we have here essentially the phenomenon  of  reverse
transposition — an emphatic reduction  of  the  second  order,  serving  the
purpose of speech expressiveness.
   We have considered the relation of unlimitive  verbs  to  the  continuous
form in the light of reductional processes.
   As  for  the  limitive  verbs,  their  standing  with  the  category   of
development and its oppositional reductions is quite the  reverse.  Due  to
the very aspective quality of limitiveness, these  verbs,  first,  are  not
often used in the continuous form


in general, finding no frequent cause for it; but second, in cases when  the
informative purpose does demand the expression of  an  action  in  progress,
the continuous with these verbs is  quite  obligatory  and  normally  cannot
undergo reduction under any conditions. It cannot be reduced, for  otherwise
the limitive meaning of the verb would prevail, and the informative  purpose
would not be realised. Cf.:

  The plane was just touching down when we arrived  at  the  airfield.  The
patient was sitting up in his bed, his eyes riveted on the trees beyond the

  The linguistic paradox of these uses is that the continuous  aspect  with
limitive verbs neutralises the expression of their lexical aspect,  turning
them for the nonce into unlimitive verbs. And  this  is  one  of  the  many
manifestations of grammatical relevance of lexemic categories.

   § 6. In  connection  with  the  problem  of  the  aspective  category  of
development, we must consider the forms of the verb built up with the  help
of the auxiliary do.  These  forms,  entering  the  verbal  system  of  the
indefinite, have been described under different headings.
   Namely, the auxiliary do, first, is presented in grammars as a  means  of
building up interrogative constructions  when  the  verb  is  used  in  the
indefinite aspect. Second, the auxiliary do is  described  as  a  means  of
building up negative constructions with the indefinite form  of  the  verb.
Third, it is shown as a means of forming  emphatic  constructions  of  both
affirmative declarative and  affirmative  imperative  communicative  types,
with the indefinite form of the verb. Fourth, it is interpreted as a  means
of forming elliptical constructions with the indefinite form of the verb.
   L. S. Barkhudarov was the first scholar who paid attention to the lack of
accuracy, and probably linguistic adequacy, in these  definitions.  Indeed,
the misinterpretation of the defined phenomena consists here  in  the  fact
that the do-forms are presented immediately as parts of  the  corresponding
syntactic  constructions,  whereas  actually  they   are   parts   of   the
corresponding verb-forms of the  indefinite  aspect.  Let  us  compare  the
following sentences in pairs:

   Fred pulled her hand to his heart.   Did Fred pull her
hand to his heart? You want me to hold a smile.    You
don\'t want me to hold a smile. In dreams people change


into somebody else. -  In dreams people do change into
somebody else. Ask him into the drawing-room.      Do
ask him into the drawing-room. Mike liked the  show  immensely,  and  Kitty
liked it too.    Mike liked the show immensely, and so did Kitty.
  On the face of the  comparison,  we  see  only  the  construction-forming
function of the analysed auxiliary, the cited formulations being  seemingly
vindicated both by the structural and the functional difference between the
sentences: the right-hand constituent utterances in each of the given pairs
has its respective do-addition. However, let  us  relate  these  right-hand
utterances to another kind of categorial counterparts:
  Did Fred pull her hand to his heart?  Will Fred pull
her hand to his heart? You don\'t want me to hold a smile.
You won\'t want me to hold a smile. In dreams people do
change into somebody else.   In dreams people will change
into somebody else. Mike liked the show immensely, and
so did Kitty.    Mike will like the show immensely, and
so will Kitty.

  Observing the structure of the latter series of constructional pairs,  we
see at once that their constituent sentences are built up  on  one  and  the
same syntactic  principle  of  a  special  treatment  of  the  morphological
auxiliary  element.  And  here  lies  the  necessary   correction   of   the
interpretation of Jo-forms. As a matter of fact, do-forms  should  be  first
of all described as the variant analytical  indefinite  forms  of  the  verb
that are effected to share the various  constructional  functions  with  the
other analytical forms of the verb placing their respective  auxiliaries  in
accented and otherwise individualised positions.  This  presentation,  while
meeting the demands of adequate  description,  at  the  same  time  is  very
convenient for explaining the  formation  of  the  syntactic  constructional
categories on the unified basis of the  role  of  analytical  forms  of  the
verb.  Namely,  the  formation  of  interrogative  constructions   will   be
explained simply as a universal word-order procedure  of  partial  inversion
(placing the auxiliary before the subject for all the  categorial  forms  of
the verb); the formation of the corresponding negative will be described  as
the use of the negative particle with the analytical auxiliary for  all  the
categorial forms of the verb; the formation of  the  corresponding  emphatic
constructions  will  be  described  as  the   accent   of   the   analytical


including the indefinite auxiliary;  the  formation  of  the  corresponding
reduced constructions will be explained on the lines of the  representative
use of the auxiliaries in general (which won\'t mar the substitute  role  of
   For the  sake  of  terminological  consistency  the  analytical  form  in
question might be called the "marked indefinite", on  the  analogy  of  the
term "marked infinitive". Thus, the indefinite  forms  of  the  non-perfect
order will  be  divided  into  the  pure,  or  unmarked  present  and  past
indefinite, and the marked present and past indefinite. As we have  pointed
out above, the existence  of  the  specifically  marked  present  and  past
indefinite serves as one of the grounds for identifying the verbal  primary
time and the verbal prospect as different grammatical categories.

  §  7.  The  category  of  retrospective  coordination   (retrospect)   is
constituted by the opposition of the perfect forms of the verb to the  non-
perfect, or imperfect forms. The marked member of  the  opposition  is  the
perfect, which is built up by the auxiliary have in  combination  with  the
past participle  of  the  conjugated  verb.  In  symbolic  notation  it  is
expressed by the formula have ... en.
   The functional meaning of the category has been interpreted in linguistic
literature in four different ways, each contributing to  the  evolution  of
the general theory of retrospective coordination.
  The first  comprehensively  represented  grammatical  exposition  of  the
perfect verbal form was the "tense  view":  by  this  view  the  perfect  is
approached as a peculiar tense form.  The  tense  view  of  the  perfect  is
presented in the works of H. Sweet, G. Curme, M. Bryant  and  J.  R.  Aiken,
and some other foreign scholars. In the Soviet  linguistic  literature  this
view  was  consistently  developed   by   N.   F.   Irtenyeva.   The   tense
interpretation of the perfect was also endorsed by the well-known course  of
English Grammar by M. A. Ganshina and N. M. Vasilevskaya.
  The difference between the perfect and non-perfect  forms  of  the  verb,
according to the tense interpretation of the perfect, consists in  the  fact
that the perfect denotes a secondary temporal characteristic of the  action.
Namely, it shows that the denoted  action  precedes  some  other  action  or
situation in the present, past, or future. This secondary tense  quality  of
the perfect, in the context of the "tense  view",  is  naturally  contrasted
against the secondary tense quality of the



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